This theme is very familiar to me, because my mother is unemployed since last year.
It origines a very tough situation, because the things are getting more and more expensive, the bills needs to get paid and just a salary is not enough. It leads to an economic flexibility that can be avoid.
Now, talking in main terms, unemployment can be caused by some factors as:
- People haven't the specifics qualifications that the employer wants;
- Bad economic situation in the country;
- The integration of technology on work (it can cause unemployment too, because now, a machine, like a computer, makes the work that before was made by man.)
- Laziness (Sometimes, people say that it's crisis' fault or Government's fault , but if they don't look for a job, it will not just appear from the sky.)

In our country, there are a lot of unemployed people and the worse is, a big part of them have licentiates degrees and it's a serious thing that deserves all the atention. It's very spend years, studing hard at school and then, you can't find a job that fits on your area. In result of it, we see them working on supermarkets and other jobs.
It's really unfair.
It's really unfair.
Sometimes, people feel depressed and they are forced to emigrate, searching for better life conditions. I remember, when we studied the Industrial Revolution in History, we read that many people went to America and to Germany, to getting a job on factories, because they were on expansion. And also, many people who embarked on Titanic, which destiny was E.U.A, were following the American Dream, it means the promise of a job and great salaries, but they hadn't the lucky for their side and died on a terrible accident.
Here's a graphic that shows the world's unemployment rates:
(Click on the image to see it bigger)
In Portugal, the Government had launched several programs such as ''Novas Oportunidades'' to improve the Portuguese population's qualifications and to give a chance to adult people to come back to school. Visit its website:
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