"Find a job you enjoy, and you'll never work a day in your life."
Today's work reality is the following: we spend almost 20 years at school to have a good education and get ready for the world of work, but then, only a little percentage of people really gets the chance of having their dream job. How many thousands of people are, at this precise moment, unhappy with their job? Most people don't care if their job pleases them; they just want to have money enough to pay the bills at the end of the month! Can you even imagine how it feels like when you have to work all your life in something you totally dislike? I think that would drive me nuts.

If you don't want it to happen to you too, you should focus. Not just think about it one minute. Oh, come on! That’s not focusing! You should sit down for a little and think “What do I really want? What would really make me feel fulfilled?” and then you should make everything you possibly can to accomplish that. And even if you fall, you’ll get up and try again. It’s your future. If you don’t fight for your future, no one else will do it for you. If you don’t do it, you’ll regret it one day, believe me. ;-)
So what is a dream job? A dream job is something you would actually do for free. You would love it so much, you would even do it for free because of the fulfillment it gives you.
I was found my dream work when I was a little girl lalala xD
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