We did an exercice, in our class, about the different types of jobs. They can be classified as:
- Blue-Collar: These jobs involve manufacturing, building, mechanical work, maintenance and repair or technical installations. A member of this class typically performs manual labor and earns lows salaries. Their clothes are, normally, light or navy blue work shirts.
- Pink-Collar - These are jobs that are considered to be, traditionally, occuped by women.
- White-Collar - This is a category whose jobs were very common on XIX century.
- Professional - If you had studied on University and you have a licentiate's degree, you belong to this category. Lawyers, Doctors, Policemen, CEO...
- Artistic - You need some talent to have a job like this. Actors, Singers, Dancers, Painters and Sculptors are some examples of people who work on this area.

So, we have on these images, for Blue-Collar, Navy sailors, for Pink-Collar, a Waitress and for White-Collar, a Secretary, for Artistic , dancers and a Doctor for Professional.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cargo_loading,_Operation_Deep_Freeze_2007_070208-N-4868G-323.JPEG
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Waitress_taking_an_order.jpg
* http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_U_qeDi3Pipo/ShB_PtUGz-I/AAAAAAAAAKQ/KEmBU-Yezbo/s320/200606280001picture+173.jpg
* http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_U_qeDi3Pipo/ShCAbAGg0vI/AAAAAAAAAKg/2PY2xIKxm5c/s1600-h/800px-HavanaDancers2.jpg
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Typhoid_inoculation2.jpg
* http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_U_qeDi3Pipo/ShCAM0pdpiI/AAAAAAAAAKY/JEEDOmqH-dU/s1600-h/474px-Two_dancers.jpg
- Pink-Collar - These are jobs that are considered to be, traditionally, occuped by women.
- White-Collar - This is a category whose jobs were very common on XIX century.
- Professional - If you had studied on University and you have a licentiate's degree, you belong to this category. Lawyers, Doctors, Policemen, CEO...
- Artistic - You need some talent to have a job like this. Actors, Singers, Dancers, Painters and Sculptors are some examples of people who work on this area.
Now, images for illustrate these meanings:

So, we have on these images, for Blue-Collar, Navy sailors, for Pink-Collar, a Waitress and for White-Collar, a Secretary, for Artistic , dancers and a Doctor for Professional.
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cargo_loading,_Operation_Deep_Freeze_2007_070208-N-4868G-323.JPEG
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Waitress_taking_an_order.jpg
* http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_U_qeDi3Pipo/ShB_PtUGz-I/AAAAAAAAAKQ/KEmBU-Yezbo/s320/200606280001picture+173.jpg
* http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_U_qeDi3Pipo/ShCAbAGg0vI/AAAAAAAAAKg/2PY2xIKxm5c/s1600-h/800px-HavanaDancers2.jpg
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Typhoid_inoculation2.jpg
* http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_U_qeDi3Pipo/ShCAM0pdpiI/AAAAAAAAAKY/JEEDOmqH-dU/s1600-h/474px-Two_dancers.jpg
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