Now, I'm go to talk a little about my dream job. Each time I say that I want to study Law in the University, most of people answer immediately: 'Ah, you want to be a lawyer' But it's not true. Studying Law is not just for lawyers. Who takes the final decision is a Jugde, and it is what I want to be. Now, I'm going to explain more about these two jobs very importants in the society.

A lawyer is a person who is graduated in law and authorized by the competent institutions of each country to exercise the 'jus postulandi', it means the representation of legitimate interests of people or legal entities in court. The lawyer is an essential part for the administration of justice and the basic instrument to ensure the protection of their clients' interests in court. The word derives from the Latin word 'ad vocatus', which means ''who was called'' , which in Roman law , was the third person called by the litigant to speak for defend its interests.

Judges must be impartial, fair, and of course, they must respect the law. Crimes as murders, robberies, rapes or things like divorces are the ''plate of the day'' for these professionals.
In Portugal, they are distributed by some classifications, depending on their workplace. If they work in a Court of 1st Instance or Judicial District Courts, they are just nominated of Judges. If it is a Court of 2nd Instance or Courts of Appeal, they are Associate Justice or Associate Judges. But, if they work in special courts or do other things connected with their job, for example, in Brazil, a Judge of Peace is who makes the weddings. The last rank is for who works in the Supreme Courts, the courts more important. They are the Judges of Supreme Court of Justice. (I couldn't find the right translation of it, in Portuguese it's Juíz Conselheiro.)
So, what do you think? It's a job that requires a lot of responsability, but it's an interesting challenge. When we do a thing with pleasure, we do it better. ;)
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