I'm sure that images like those below aren't familiar to us.
Jobs as
shoemakers, among others just disappeared or are disappearing. In other centuries, they were essencial but nowadays, there are being replaced by lots of clothes' shops and shoes' stores.
I chose talk about tailors because we think they don't exist anymore, but it's not true.
It has another name...Let's see that.
According to the Tailoring's History:
"During the Middle Ages clothing had been regarded as a means of concealing the body. But with the Renaissance came the accentuation of the human form. The loose robe, that standard uniform of the medieval period so easily constructed from a single piece or two of cloth, was shortened and tightened, and eventually cut, pieced, and sewn together in attempts to bring into prominence the contours of the human form. This was the birth of tailoring and, in fact, of fashion.These attempts at re-constructing the human body in fabric called for a growing expert skill and division of labor. Soon the cutter (the one who makes the pattern) and tailor (the one who does the sewing) joined other craftsmen as important members of the community."

It means that a tailor is who knows and work on the art of making clothes, always in accordance with the policies and preferences of each person, without using existing standardized numbering and it's a job that exists since long time ago. Most of who executed this job was men. Currently, the very known Clothes Designers are the ''modern version'' of them. They can influenciated fashion, creating extravagants pieces. They must have, of course, creativity and have knowledge of Sociology, Modeling, Design and History of clothing.
In Portugal, the most known Clothes Designers are Ana Salazar, Fátima Lopes, Nuno Gama, among others.
Sources:* http://arquivomunicipal.cm-lisboa.pt/ficheiros/88/20/ficheirotn2088_pxhtgzevyjy.jpg
* http://www.fashionbubbles2.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/alfaiate.jpg
* http://www.lnstar.com/mall/literature/tailor4.htm*http://profviseu.com/pessoal/Junho2000/Grupo%208/cesteiro2.jpg